Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lower Blood Pressure Foods to Cure Hypertension and Avoid Heart Attacks

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is rightly called the 'silent killer'. It is the leading precursor of heart attacks which are the leading cause of death in most of the Western World.  Yet there are no noticeable signs, no symptoms to warn you. You don't know what your blood pressure is until you get it checked.

People die from its effects without knowing what it was that was killing them. And almost all heart attacks could be prevented. Starting with controlling blood pressure and keeping it at the ideal 115 over 75. Your risk for heart attacks goes up as your blood pressure goes up from there.

At 140/90 and up your alarms should be screaming at you; you could have a heart attack at any time. Your doctor will likely put you on beta blockers or other types of blood-pressure reducing drugs to avoid a calamitous heart failure ending in him having to find another patient to replace the vacancy you left.

So how did your blood pressure (BP) get to be high in the first place? And how do you lower your blood pressure naturally, without expensive drugs that come with nasty side-effects?  Start with lower blood pressure foods.

To begin with, high blood pressure correlates very highly with being overweight and being sedentary. It stands to reason. When you put on weight your body has to add more veins, arteries and capillaries to supply blood to the additional area. Your heart has to work harder, raise the pressure, to pump through all the extra tubes.

So the first lower blood pressure foods would be diet foods. Anything low-calorie, high fiber and/or in lesser quantities. Get your weight down to the recommended range for your height and frame.

Yes, it's easier said than done. Who said it was going to be easy? So what are you going to do? Wait until your first heart attack before you get Serious about controlling your weight? Take a look at the mortality tables. Your chances of surviving your first heart attack aren't all that good!

It's time to get serious about losing excess weight.  Ever hear the expression, "As serious as a heart attack!."?!  So the first approach to lower blood pressure foods is to find foods that help you lose weight.

The second step is to avoid the artery-cloggers: saturated fat and trans-fats. That means avoid animal fats, butter, oily cheese, pork in any form. Avoid tropical cooking oils (palm and coconut oils). Avoid bakery foods since they don't have to label their products. Most buy their oils for price, not health.

Replace these fats and most carbohydrates with fruits and vegetables, use only olive oil and salad oils with less than 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoonful (no higher than 14% of the oil.) So lettuce and tomatoes are lower blood pressure foods. So are most salads and non-starchy vegetables.

Salt (actually, the sodium in salt) is a factor in high blood pressure for about 1/3 of the cases. So lower your salt intake. Use lemon juice and herbs instead. It is a good idea to get yourself a home blood pressure monitor and take your own pressure daily, say, in the morning before you get up.

That way you can watch your blood pressure coming down and see what tends to lower it and raise it. You can discover which foods are lower blood pressure foods for you and which are no-no's!

For more information on lower blood pressure foods, how to have normal range blood pressure and avoid heart disease, follow the links below...

mesothelioma doctors


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