Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Natural Blood Pressure Reduction With Modifications of Lifestyle

It is vital that you can achieve control over your hypertension and lower your blood pressure to a healthy number. Some methods you can use include medication, but there is also a way for you to use natural blood pressure reduction methods. For the most part, this will consist of modifying your diet, exercising regularly and reducing stress.

As far as the diet is concerned, it is important that you are eating healthy foods in the proper sized portions. You should increase the protein, limit or eliminate alcohol, add fiber rich foods to your diet and try to avoid any extra sodium and salt. Here are five tips that can help you lower your salt intake:

- Avoid fast food and prepared meals. These are often loaded with salt and sodium. Be cautious of the condiments you are using as well, many of them are also high in salt.

- Don't just buy something because it claims to be good for you. Actually take the time to read the contents of the product on the label. Foods with low sodium are ideal.

- When you consume foods that are high in sodium you should try to also include foods that are very good for you. These can include fresh fruits and vegetables.

- When you are eating out it is important that you ask that the salt be left out of your meal. Generally, this can be done upon request at most restaurants.

- When you are cooking you should avoid using salt. If you can not avoid the salt instead of adding it in the beginning you should add it at the end when the meal is almost completed. This will actually cut down on the amount that needs to be used because the flavor will not be diluted while cooking.

Another great way for you to control your hypertension is through exercise as well. If you are currently living a lifestyle that is fit for a couch potato, it is time to get your body moving. If you are not exercising even moderately you could very well be increasing your level of risk for also being diagnosed with heart disease. Here are some of the best reasons you should include exercise into your daily activities:

* You can increase your overall health.

* Your mental state can be dramatically changed with regular exercise.

* The heart itself can become stronger.

* You will have more energy.

* You will be happier with the way you look.

* Circulation can be improved.

It is important that you begin an exercise routine slowly at first. Overdoing it can cause you unnecessary pain and discomfort that will likely lead to reluctance to continue. You should also consult with your medical care provider before you begin even a light routine.

Your doctor should be able to suggest some exercises to begin with and slowly work your way up to a more vigorous routine, with the approval of our doctor.

Here are a few suggestions of questions you can ask your doctor about exercising. This should be able to help you determine the routine that will best suit your needs without disturbing any other medical conditions.

- What type of exercises are safe for my condition?

- How frequently should I exercise?

- Are there any exercises I should avoid?

- Can I change the times I take my medication to fit into my new exercise schedule?

- Do I have to change when I take certain medications so they do not interfere with my exercise regimen?

- Should I take my pulse during my routine or wait until I am done?

- How do I take my pulse the right way?

These are just some tips that you can take advantage of to use natural blood pressure reduction methods. You might have to modify them to meet your requirements. It might also be recommended by your physician to alter these methods in order to benefit you the most.

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Virraj at hyperbaric alcove in New Delhi's Apollo Hospital

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: YOUR EMPEROR IS PLEASED TO GIVE YOU THE HYPERBARBARIC HORDE... Virraj Sorhvi receives hyperbaric-oxygen therapy at the Apollo Hospital in New Delhi in December 2007. The video clip offers a unique view of the interior of the hard-shelled (and hermetically sealed) hyperbaric chamber during an actual therapy session when the air pressure inside is raised to 2.4 atmospheres even while pure oxygen is administered to the patient's respiratory system through a special mask. These proceedings are presented here as recorded off a CCTV monitor in the hyperbaric chamber's external control room. (If what Virraj is wearing on his face looks like a gas mask it is because that's exactly what it is.) Generally speaking, hyperbaric-oxygen therapy, or HBOT, markedly increases the oxygenation of the patient's blood, which in turn promotes the healing of wounds, including chronic wounds; it constitutes a supplementary element in the treatment of osteomyelitis (as in Virraj's case), useful if given in conjunction with surgical curettage and appropriately targeted antibiotic regimen (neither of which did Virraj receive at New Delhi's Apollo Hospital). The background conversation is conducted between the cameraman and hospital staffers present in the control room. Virraj is visible within the hyperbaric chamber on the left-hand side of the monitor's screen, but his voice cannot be heard. ♦ This video combines two previously posted (raw) clips at ...

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Friday, March 26, 2010


EAR Warmer

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Get Lower Blood Pressure Readings

I wanted to take the time to show you how you can get lower blood pressure readings. This happens to be about the biggest medical concern for all people. Our heart pushes the blood around our body through a pressure system. Obviously low blood pressure is extremely dangerous because your heart is to weak to push all the blood around. Conversely, high blood pressure is dangerous as well because your heart is pushing extremely hard, yet things a slow moving. Basically what is happening is that there is build up in arteries all around the body which narrows the path in which blood has to travel. That leads an increase in pressure. I'm going to show you how to get lower blood pressure readings, so you can be a little more average.

I'm sure you've heard the advice that you should drink a glass of win each day. I think most people remember such advice because it is extremely odd. We typically view alcohol as a bad thing for our health. In reality the alcohol isn't necessarily good, but when you have alcohol in the blood stream it will actually thin out the blood. When this happens it instantly reduces the pressure, so if you're drinking a cup a day, you'd be in a pretty good state all the time.

Another method to lower blood pressure readings is by adding EFAs to your diet. EFAs are Essential Fatty Acids and they have a way of clearing up all that blockage in your arteries and lower your cholesterol. This should help eliminate the high blood pressure over the long term.

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Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

organic infant clothing Neckline Slimmer

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure - This work

Are you looking for natural ways to reduce high blood pressure? Apart from the cost of prescription drugs, can also damage the liver and other parts of the body. Decades ago, there was no medication for hypertension, but life in a different way. Let me tell you some tips on lowering blood pressure, naturally.

Some vitamins and herbs play an important role in stabilizing blood pressure. You meanknow that magnesium helps open the arteries and smooth? A deficiency can lead to thickening of the arteries that can lead to disease.

Vitamin B-6, B-12 and folic acid are also important in controlling hypertension. There are many herbs, minerals and vitamins, which help the numbers and give a normal reading. This is one of the natural ways of lowering high blood pressure.

Some foods can be added to your diet to reduce theHypertension. Garlic, peppers and onions and cayenne pepper and ginger have been known to help clear arteries and prevent the accumulation in the vessel wall. The addition of these foods to your diet can help maintain normal blood pressure.

The amount of stress and anxiety in daily life is also an important factor. Are you stressed with your work or in their family or financial problems? Getting an adequate amount of sleep? Changing these factors is more naturalWays to lower high blood pressure.

It 'easy to say, less stress, but in fact more difficult to do. There are several methods used to reduce stress and anxiety. Some of these include deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga. So, taking leisure time can help, or a relaxing day at home.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are other areas that you need to make changes on both contribute significantly to reducing high blood pressure, then at least on thisHabits. Drinking more than one or two glasses of wine a day is an important factor for hypertension in an attempt to reduce the consumption of alcohol. Moreover, limiting salt intake, as everyone knows eating too much salt, the worst thing you can do if you suffer from high blood pressure.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

update/ Heart Monitor

Updating the changes since i got back on track. The benefits of a heart monitor

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Blood burden Monitor(Testing with MPX2050 burden sensor)

Test with the MPX2050 that we just bought from Farnell.

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Thursday, March 18, 2010


How to use the Omron HEM711DLX home blood pressure monitor. It has an arm cuff, which is a little harder to use than a wrist blood pressure machine. It is rated accurate and valid by the Canadian Hypertensive Society. See more information about this and accurate and wrist blood pressure cuffs at

organic infant clothing Neckline Slimmer sleepless

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lower Blood Pressure Naturally - With a Good Marriage?

A new (March 20, 2008) study shows that a good, happy marriage is good for your blood pressure. But it also shows that a bad, stressful marriage can be worse for your blood pressure than being single. So getting into (and staying in) a good marriage could be a key to lowering blood pressure naturally.

Earlier studies have shown that married people, in general tend to have lower blood pressures and be healthier than single people. The new study puts the relationship into a somewhat clearer perspective; it's not marriage in general but happy marriage, specifically, that is associated with the lower blood pressure.

The study, performed by Julianne Holt-Lunstad, an assistant psychology professor at Brigham Young University, was reported online by the Annals of Behavioral Medicine. There have been very few studies of blood pressures that focussed on the quality of the marriage instead of just on the fact that the person was married.

The study used a unique format. It involved 204 married people and 99 single adults, mostly Caucasian. Volunteers for the study wore special devices that measured and recorded their blood pressure at random times over 24 hours. In addition, the married participants filled out questionnaires about their marriages.

The study revealed that the more marital satisfaction and good adjustment to marriage that spouses reported, the lower average blood pressure they had over the 24 hour test period. This was especially notable during the daytime. Apparently being in a happy marriage led to lower blood pressure naturally.

Those with low scores in marital satisfaction and adjustment had higher average blood pressures than did single people. During the daytime portion of the study their average systolic pressure (the upper number in a reading of blood pressure) was approximately five points higher. Enough to enter a range that is considered a warning sign.

From the point of view of lowering blood pressure naturally then, it is better to be in a good marriage. And it would be better to be single than to be in a bad, stressful marriage.

The findings in this study are generally in line with other studies that have pointed out the relationship between your state of mind and your blood pressure. If you are relaxed, happy and unstressed, your blood pressure will be lower. Being tense, unhappy and stressed will have the opposite effect.

To lower your blood pressure naturally, you could take up yoga or transcendental meditation, to achieve inner peace and tranquility. Or you could take the saying, "A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be." to heart and start thinking positively, counting your blessings instead of your problems.

Or you could get into a good marriage, or stay in the one you have and/or work to improve the one you have. There are, of course, many other benefits to being in a good marriage. Now you might just add lowering blood pressure naturally to the list of those benefits...

For more information on how to lower blood pressure naturally and avoid heart attacks, follow the links below...

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Hypertension; Facts You Need


Hypertension is derived from two root words; Hyper meaning High and Tension meaning Pressure. Hypertension simply means high blood pressure. Pressure is the force generated when the heart contracts and pump blood through the blood vessels that conduct the blood to various parts of the blood.
Although hypertension does not mean or result from excessive emotional tension, but evidence shows that stress and emotional tension do cause increase in blood pressure, and if continuous, could be sustained.
High blood pressure is therefore generally defined as a blood pressure exceeding 140/90mmHg confirmed on multiple occasions. The top number (140) is called the SYSTOLIC PRESSURE, and it represents the pressure in the blood vessels (arteries) as the heart contracts and pump blood into circulation. The bottom number (90) is called DIASTOLIC PRESSURE, and it represents the pressure in the blood vessels as the heart relaxes after contraction. These figures measured in millimeters of Mercury (mmHg) reflect the highest and lowest pressures the heart and blood vessels are exposed to during circulation. The generally accepted normal value for blood pressure is 120/80mmHg. Above this value but less than 140/90mmHg is not considered to be hypertensive yet but signals danger, it is therefore called High normal.

An elevation of the blood pressure (Hypertension) increases the risk of developing Heart (Cardiac) diseases such as Heart Failure and Heart attack, Kidney diseases, Vascular diseases like athelosclerosis (hardening and narrowing of blood vessels), Eye damage and Stroke (brain damage).
These complications called End organ damage arise as a result of long standing (chronic) hypertension. But victims of hypertension are not aware, at an early stage, that they have the disease, until these complications start appearing. This is because hypertension shows virtually no signs/symptoms at the early stage. For this reason, it is generally referred to as the 'Silent Killer'.

The damage caused by hypertension increases in severity as the blood pressure increases. Based on this hypertension can be classified as follows:

Normal Less than 130 Less than 85
High Normal 130 - 139 85 - 89
Mild Hypertension 140 - 159 90 - 99
Moderate Hypertension 160 - 179 100 - 109
Severe Hypertension 180 - 209 110 - 119
Very Severe Hypertension Greater than 210 Greater than 120


Borderline Hypertension is defined as mildly elevated blood pressure that is found to be higher than 140/90mmHg at some times and lower than that at other times.

Patients with borderline value need to have their blood pressure monitored more frequently. They also need to assess end organ damage to be aware of the significance of their hypertension.

It should, however, be emphasized that patients with borderline hypertension have a higher tendency to develop a more sustained hypertension as they get older. They stand a modest risk of having heart related diseases. A close monitoring of their blood pressure and lifestyles could be very useful in this regard.


A single elevated blood pressure reading in the doctor's office could be misleading, because the elevation might only be temporary. Evidence over the years has shown that anxiety related to the stress of the examination and fear of the result often result in blood pressure elevation noticed in the doctor's office only. Infact, it has been suggested that one out of every four persons thought to have mild hypertension, actually may have normal blood pressure outside the physician's office. This sort of elevated blood pressure noticed in the physician's office is called 'White Coat Hypertension'. Suggesting that the white coat, symbolic of the physician, induces the patient's anxiety and a passing increase in blood pressure. Accordingly, monitoring of blood pressure at home, when in a more relaxed state of mind, can provide a more reliable estimate of the frequency and/or consistency of blood pressure changes.


The Blood pressure is determined by two major parameters; Cardiac output i.e. the volume of blood pumped by the heart, and the Total peripheral resistance i.e. the resistance of the blood vessels through which blood flows. Hypertension is therefore an end result of either increased force of pumping by the heart, or constriction/narrowing of blood vessels causing increased resistance to blood flow or both.
Using the cause of hypertension as a yardstick, two major types of hypertension can be described;

Essential Hypertension

Secondary hypertension

The former also called Primary or Idiopathic hypertension is by far the most prevalent type of hypertension. It accounts for over 90% of all hypertension cases. No clear cut cause(s) can be identified for this type of accommodation, hence the name Idiopathic.

The later accounts for less than 10% of all cases. In this case, the hypertension is secondary to an existing abnormality in one or more systems or organs of the body. The most common causes are related to kidney and hormonal problems. The persistent uncontrolled use of contraceptives, especially in females over 35years of age fall under hormonal causes of hypertension.

Since no clear-cut cause(s) can be adduce for the most common types of hypertension, as with the case with most non-communicable diseases, we therefore talk in terms of 'Risk Factors' and not causes. These Risk Factors are actions/inactions that increases chances of getting a disease. Several researches over the years have shown that some factors are directly or indirectly related to the occurrence of hypertension. Some of the factors include:

HEREDITARY: High blood pressure tends to run in some families and races. It is believed that some inherited traits predispose some people to hypertension. For example, high blood pressure tends to be more prevalent in blacks than whites.

A family history of hypertension increases one chances of high blood pressure. Regular monitoring of blood pressure becomes very vital.
HIGH SALT INTAKE: High intake of Sodium Chloride (table salt) has being linked to high blood pressure. The condition develops mostly in societies or communities that have a fairly high intake of salt, exceeding 5.8grams daily. In fact, salt intake may be a particularly important factor in relation to essential hypertension that is associated with advancing age, black racial background, hereditary susceptibility, obesity and kidney failure. Research has shown that:

a. Rise in blood pressure with age is directly related to increase level of sat intake, especially in blacks.

b. People who consume little sodium chloride develop no high blood pressure when they consume more, hypertension appears.

c. Increased Sodium is found in the blood vessels and blood of most hypertensives.

Cutting down on salt intake is therefore a reasonable step in preventing hypertension


A close relationship exists between hypertension and obesity. In fact it is believed that most hypertensives are more than 10% overweight. Fat accumulation in the trunk or abdomen is not only related to hypertension but also to diabetes and hyperlipideamia (excess fat in the body). Obesity can contribute to hypertension in several ways. For one thing, obesity leads to a greater output of blood, because the heart has to pump more blood to supply the excess tissues. The increased cardiac output then can raise the blood pressure. For another thing, obese hypertensive individuals have a greater stiffness (resistance) in the peripheral arteries throughout the body. Finally, obesity may be associated with a tendency for the kidneys to retain salt in the body. Weight loss may help reverse problems related to obesity while also lowering blood pressure. It has been estimated that the blood pressure can be decreased 0.32mmHg for every 1kg (2.2pounds) of weight loss.

The International standard for measuring overweight and obesity is based on a value called BODY MASS INDEX (BMI). This value is derived by dividing the body weight (in Kilograms) by the square of height (in Metres).

i.e. BMI = Body weight (Kg)

Height2 (Metres).
Note: 1ft = 0.305metres.
For adults, a BMI less than 25kg/m2 is preferred.
25 - 29kg/m2 is considered overweight and above 30kg/m2 is Obesity.


Sedentary normal individuals have a 20 - 50% higher risk of developing hypertension when compared to very active individuals. Exercise lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. For example dynamic exercises such as brisk walking or jogging, swimming or bicycle ridding for 30 - 45mins daily or 3-5times a week may lower blood pressure by as much as 5 - 15mmHg. Moreover, there appears to be a relationship between the amount of exercise and the degree to which blood pressure is lowered. Thus, to a point, the more you exercise, the more you lower your blood pressure. Provided you do not over strain yourself. Normally, a particularly type of exercise is started, and gradually built up to a satisfactory level over time. Regular exercise reduces blood pressure, burn out unnecessarily fat and also makes the body healthier.


These two constitute the social factors most related to high blood pressure. People who drink alcohol excessively (over two drinks per day) have a one and half to two times increase in the frequency of hypertension. The association between alcohol and high blood pressure becomes particularly noticeable when the alcohol intake exceeds the above per day. Moreover, the connection is a dose related phenomenon. In other words, the more alcohol consumed, the stronger the chances of hypertension. This, probably will explain the prevalence of hypertension in populations where alcohol consumption is a habit.

Although smoking increases the risk of vascular complications (for example, heart diseases and stroke) in people who already have hypertension, it cannot be directly linked with increase in the development of hypertension. Nevertheless, smoking a cigarette can repeatedly produce an immediate, temporary rise in blood pressure of 5 - 10mmHg, but a permanent increase cannot be established. However, it is known that some substances in cigarette, e.g. nicotine, alters the composition of the blood and also affects the blood vessels.

Smoking and alcohol control are integral part of any effort towards the primary control of cardiovascular diseases in any population.
STRESS: Although the role of stress and other emotional factors in hypertension is difficult to define. However, it is known that stress causes a physiological rise in blood pressure and this could be sustained if the stress becomes chronic (prolonged).


Since lifestyle components such as dietary patterns, obesity, physical activity, alcohol and smoking have been recognized as important risk factors, steps to reduce the occurrence of hypertension or to alleviate the condition (for those who are hypertensives) should involve lifestyle modification.

Dietary modifications include restricting salt intake cutting down or cutting out alcohol, reduced fat consumption, and reducing weight if overweight. The American Heart Association recommends a daily consumption of less than 6grams of table salt for normal individuals, and less than 4grams for hypertensives.

A regular exercise program such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling e.t.c.
for 30 - 45mins daily or 3-5 times a week could be very helpful.

Conclusively, it is very important to remember that the only way to know if one's blood pressure is on the high side is by taking your blood pressure frequently. Normally, your doctor would do that for you. But for a more consistent and reliable monitor of blood pressure, a self-operated blood pressure monitor is crucial. Being very handy and always around, it allows you to follow up your blood pressure regularly and report an increase immediately.

Finally, always remember the WHO slogan "Know your Blood Pressure, if it's high have it treated". A healthy Heart adds life to years.
A stitch in time, they say, saves nine.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Home Health Monitors : Home Blood Pressure Machine Tips

A home blood pressure machine is fairly simple to operate. Learn more about the basics of a blood pressure machine withtips from a Certified Medical Assistant in this free health video. Expert: Taylor Smith Bio: Taylor Smith, CMA, is a multifaceted Certified Medical Assistant. Filmmaker: Doug Craig

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

SYSTEM 5 BP System, Orange, Latex-Free

SYSTEM 5 BP System, Orange, Latex-Free Review

SYSTEM 5 BP System, Orange, Latex-Free Feature

  • The Seller usually ships this product within 1-2 business days. In accordance with their customer-centric policy, this Seller does not charge your credit card until the product has been shipped. If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, the Seller may take longer to ship the product however the Seller in all cases, will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped.
  • Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
  • Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

SYSTEM 5 BP System, Orange, Latex-Free Overview

SYSTEM 5 BP System, Orange, Latex-FreeThe most compact, ergonomically designed, and affordably priced 5 cuff blood pressure system on the market today. The System 5TM features: A multi-pocketed, heavy duty 600D nylon attach style case that keeps each component securely in place, yet instantly accessible Dual zipper closure permits rapid access, and protects against the elements Measures a compact 10 x 9 x 4 when closed, weighs just 21/2 lbs. Compact enough to fit in most emergency bags or trauma boxes Reinforced carry handle doubles as a hang tab for wall mounting in the open position Includes infant, child, adult, large adult, and thigh AdcuffTM nylon cuffs featuring the Size GuideTM marking system with a one-tube inflation bladder Cuffs equipped with quick release luer slip connector to permit rapid and secure selection of the appropriate cuff Revolutionary DiagnostixTM #804 palm style manometer with precision crafted German movement housed in a patented double shell ABS impact resistant polymer casing Ambidextrous trigger release air valve Assembled, inspected, and packaged in the U.S.A. from foreign componentsProduct photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 11, 2010 00:00:10


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

One Powerful Way To Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

So you want to lower your blood pressure quickly? Everyone wants the quick fix, and actually there is a fast way to lower your blood pressure. This is where the power of water comes in, I'm talking about water alone.

Water to lower my blood pressure?

Yes, water can lower your blood pressure greatly. Ok, let me explain how this works before you ask any more questions. Water alone will not lower your blood pressure without the proper eating habits. Oh wait, did I say eating habits? What I meant to say was you cannot eat anything for 7 days.

I cannot eat for 7 days?

Well it depends, some water fast allow you to eat fruits and veggies. In fact I have read about alot of success stories from a water fast that allows fruits and veggies. You can make the choice yourself, but the fact is this works. I have read about people lowering their blood pressure by 60 points in 7 days using this method, and it can work for you also.

How does it work?

Well basically the water fast cleans out your body, getting rid of all the nasty little aspects that are raising your blood pressure. Do the fast and watch your blood pressure drop, you could even try a short fast period of say 3 days to see what kind of results to expect.

How can I go 7 days without eating anything?

Well it's not going to be easy, I have heard after the first day it gets alot easier though. You can decide whether you want to do it with fruits and veggies or just water.

What happens when the fast is over?

In order to maintain your new low blood pressure readings you will need to eat healthy. If you go right back to your same old eating habits then your blood pressure will go right back to its same old readings. You can get more information on what foods lower your blood pressure at my site below in my bio box.

I advise you to check with your doctor before you do any kind of fast, but in general you should not have any major problems unless you have another condition im not aware of. If you want to see a full list of blood pressure lowering foods be sure to check out my site below. I hope this information has helped you, good luck on lowering your blood pressure quickly!

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Monday, March 8, 2010

EPA Challenge: Milwaukee biologic accumulating for Lake Michigan

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

cardiac arrhythmia EKG

sinus tachycardia and lots of polytop extrasystoles. my heart is pretty electrically unstable.

sleepless mesothelioma doctors

Saturday, March 6, 2010

How To Manage Hypertension

Research has shown that modest lifestyle and dietary changes can help treat and often delay or prevent high blood pressure. With these diets and lifestyle you are on your way to a healthy heart
Eating less sodium can help lower some people's blood pressure. This can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Sodium is something we need in our diets, but most of us take in too much of it. Much of the sodium we eat comes from salt we add to our food at the table or that "fast food" companies add to their foods. Act like a vegetarian, A vegetarian have healthier blood pressure level than the rest of us who are not vegetarian Adding some meatless meals or even meatless days to your lifestyle will benefit blood pressure in a couple of ways: First, it remove the saturated fat that's a natural component of meat. Second, it increases the plant foods you eat. There is potassium in many vegetables and fruits like banana, are known to help lower blood pressure naturally.

Focus on mineral-rich foods: specifically, foods that contain the following three minerals, all of which help bring blood pressure down in various ways: potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Garlic makes the blood to circulate well it is also helpfull. Include it in your meals always both raw and cooked.

Add supplements: a good basic multivitamin/mineral will boost your levels of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Omega-3 oils found in fishes and vitamin Bs will keep blood clots from forming so take them always to aviod heart attack and stroke. Aviod strees it will help your heart rest alot and hypertension will not come. No matter how much attention you pay to your diet, you might get that heart attack if you don't exercise.

A 30-40 minute brisk walk three times a week is enough to improve your fitness level and reduce your cardiovascular risk. If you have hypertension, you should aim to exercise for 30 minutes on five days out of seven, if not daily. Exercise will help you out in various ways,
lowers blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. It increases good HDL cholesterol that transports fat away from the arteries and back to the liver for processing and improves circulation by preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attack and stroke.

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Friday, March 5, 2010

Pro’s Combo III Palm, Burgundy, Latex-Free

Pro’s Combo III Palm, Burgundy, Latex-Free Review

Pro’s Combo III Palm, Burgundy, Latex-Free Feature

  • The Seller usually ships this product within 1-2 business days. In accordance with their customer-centric policy, this Seller does not charge your credit card until the product has been shipped. If unexpectedly, a product is on back order, the Seller may take longer to ship the product however the Seller in all cases, will inform its customers immediately with a choice to cancel or hold the order until shipped.
  • Before you use any product for health care, we advise that you consult your physician or primary healthcare provider and seek the appropriate advice and supervision prior to use.
  • Product photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

Pro’s Combo III Palm, Burgundy, Latex-Free Overview

Pro’s Combo III Palm, Burgundy, Latex-FreeProduct photo may not exactly match the product offered for sale. Please refer to the product description.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Mar 05, 2010 23:40:10

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

More Patient Deaths from Luer Misconnections (Oct. 2007)

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Microlife Premium Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor with Memo...

Buy Now: Get a handle on your health with Microlife's Premium Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor. Accurately measure and record your systolic and diastolic pressures and heart rate with the touch of a button.... Prices shown on the previously recorded video may not represent the current price. View to view the current selling price. HSN Item #330991

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blood Pressure Cuffs Lead To A Healthy Life

Well, the way we lead our lives, one has to visit a doctor on a regular basis to be in a pink of health. The first thing the doctor does is checks the blood pressure to see if everything is normal or not. Many of us get fascinated with the equipment known as sphygmomanometer or commonly known as the blood pressure meter. The blood pressure cuffs get inflated every time the doctor squeezes it. These are wrapped around the person's upper left arm at about the same vertical height as the heart. It is attached with a bulb and further attached to the equipment.

When the blood pressure cuffs are squeezed repeatedly till the body's large artery is completely cut off and results in a momentary stoppage of the blood flow. The blood pressure cuffs restrict the blood flow and the manometer measures the blood pressure. One common query asked is whether these blood pressure cuffs can be procured in various sizes. Yes, these blood pressure cuffs do come in different sizes, such as a child, adult and a larger adult size cuffs. Using the right size cuff ensures an accurate reading of the blood pressure. It is always good to monitor one's blood pressure on a regular basis, as it prevents many health problems and keeps you healthy.

You should also make sure that every time you visit a clinic or a practitioner, your blood pressure is monitored. The doctor or nurse can tell you whether your blood pressure was high or not, and what precautions you can take to normalize your blood pressure. In addition, how does these blood pressure cuffs work? Well, the stethoscope is placed near the brachial artery and then the air in the blood pressure cuff is released slowly. As the blood in the artery begins to move, it creates a pounding or whooshing sound. In addition, in turn, the blood pressure cuffs air pressure will be released until the sound stops. In fact, it is easy to obtain the blood pressure cuffs from the local medicine shop, specialist pharmacies or you can even order it from the manufacturer itself via online or by shipping. Earlier, it was difficult to find the blood pressure cuffs for plus-sized people, but now you can easily find them in the market.

Using blood pressure cuffs with a wrong size can significantly cause inaccurate BP readings. Hence, it is important to measure your upper arm's circumference in order to know the right size of the cuff that suits you. Adult or regular blood pressure cuffs are available for average-sized person, while large adult cuff fits people with obesity. In fact, for the plus-sized persons having big and heavy arms, adult thigh cuffs are used to measure their blood pressure. Even if the cuff fits your arms, it does not mean that it is the right cuff size for you. Actually more than a size, the length and width of the bladder and tube inside the blood pressure cuffs matter. Hence, it is necessary to possess a right blood pressure cuffs for healthy living.

mesothelioma doctors Neckline Slimmer sleepless

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hypertension: How The Body Controls Blood Pressure

Hypertension is the term doctors use for high blood pressure. It's often referred to as a Silent Killer since many people may have no noticeable symptoms. Over 50 million people suffer from high blood pressure, but nearly one third aren't even aware of it. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease, the nations' number one killer.

Those who do experience the symptoms of high blood pressure feel dizzy, headaches and sometimes nosebleeds. Unfortunately, by the time symptoms are felt, blood pressure is dangerously high. But many people with uncontrolled high blood pressure never have any of these symptoms.

Blood pressure is the force of the blood through your arteries as your heart pumps blood through your circulatory system. Blood pressure is reported as a fraction, with one number over the other. The top number, called the systolic pressure, is the force when your heart contracts, the bottom number, called the diastolic pressure, is the pressure when you hear relaxes between beats.

To measure your blood pressure, an inflatable cuff is wrapped around your arm, and air is pumped in. The doctor or nurse, while watching the pressure gauge, listens with a stethoscope for your pulse to disappear. The pressure at which your pulse can no longer be heard corresponds to the systolic pressure. The cuff is released and the pressure at which your pulse can be heard again is the diastolic pressure.

Like the pressure in your car tires, pressure is measure in millimeters of mercury or mmHg. Typically, healthy people have a blood pressure at or below 120/80mmHg. Your risk of heart or CV disease has recently been found to begin increase at a much lower level, blood pressure of 115/75. Blood pressure above 120/80 is considered by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) to be pre-hypertenson. A BP of 140/90 mmHg is considered too high, and represents a significantly increased risk of heart disease.

Unfortunately, high blood pressure is more common in certain racial and ethnic minority groups, including blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians/Alaska Natives.

Factors controlling your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure can result from several factors. The heart itself can impact blood pressure. The heart muscles itself can enlarge, causing higher pressure of blood exiting the heart. Cardiomyopathy or enlargement of the heart muscle also increases blood pressure. Excess weight makes your heart work harder to pump blood through the body.

Extra fluid in your circulatory system as a result of lots of salt intake, kidney problems or other medical conditions also puts a higher demand on the heart. Increased blood volume also causes more constriction within the blood vessels, translating into higher blood pressure.

The blood vessels play an important role in your blood pressure. Usually, the arteries are elastic and can expand and contract in rhythm with the hearts pumping action. High cholesterol and the plaques that form cause the arteries to lose their elasticity. Each time the heart pumps, the vessel can no longer stretch, and a higher pressure is created. Just think about what happens if you step on a garden hose.

Smoking cigarettes constricts, or tightens your blood vessels, pushing the blood pressure even higher. Some medications you take such as steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), nasal decongestants and other cold remedies, diet pills, cyclosporine, erythropoetin, tricyclic antidepressants and a type of anti-depressant called monoamine oxidase inhibitors can also contribute to increased BP. Oral contraceptive, which are hormones, can raise blood pressure and should be used cautiously and carefully monitored in patients with HTN.

Treatment for Hypertension

If you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will most likely order additional test to determine the cause of your elevated blood pressure. He or she will also recommend more frequent visits to monitor you. For moderate hypertension, lifestyle changes may be enough to normalize blood pressure.

One of the first things you can do is change your diet to avoid sodium or salt, and lower your fat intake. The National Institutes of Health's DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) is rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, and low in total and saturated fat. The DASH diet also reduces red meat, sweets, and sugary drinks, and it's rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein.

Increasing physical activity can help to lower your blood pressure. By doing at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, your risk of complications can be reduced. If you are overweight, starting a weigh loss plan can also help bring your blood pressure into the normal range.

If dietary and lifestyle changes alone don't normalize your blood pressure, the next step is medication. If your doctor recommend medication, it is vital that you take it exactly as directed. Because most people don't notice any symptoms of hypertension, even if you are feeling well, it is crucial to stick to your medication regimen. Never stop taking medication without discussing it with your healthcare team, even if you feel fine.

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